Cetacean species: sperm whale, common dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, humpback whale, fin whale, Risso's dolphin, short-finned pilot whale, false killer whale, sei whale, bottlenose dolphin.
Other wildlife seen: loggerhead turtle.
Best time to go: June to September for resident sperm whales and dolphins; April to May for migratory rorqual whales.
Whale-watching operator: Whale Watch Azores
For more photographs go to Whales & Dolphins of the Azores
My passion for travelling the world to watch wild mammals started with a whale-watching trip to the Bay of Fundy in 1999. Since then I've seen over 30 different species of cetacean (whale, dolphin and porpoise) in almost 30 locations around the world. A successful whale-watching trip depends on being in the right place at the right time with the right operator, so I've made this blog to share my experiences and help others plan their travels. All images are (c)Gill Sinclair 1999 to 2023.